Bicudo Marcas e Patentes
Patentes inpi
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Industrial Property Law No. 9279/96, ensures to any company or independent professional the possibility of registering a trademark for protection... continuation


Any independent person or company may file for a patent application. A Patent Letter is an ownership title whose validity term is determined by the State ... continuation

Industrial Design

The Industrial Design (DI) these applications were previously considered similar as a patent procedure... continuation


A Computer program is protected by a Copyright and although non-patentable matter, they are registered by the Patent Office and duly protected by the specific Law No.9609/98... continuation


We may provide the necessary guidance to guarantee legal protection of a Copyright, in the terms of Law 9610/1998, in relation to art elements and images, illustrations, photographs, texts, audiovisual... continuation


INPI has established basic standards for the registration of contracts through Laws and Normative Acts, which regulate entrepreneurial organizations in general... continuation


Preparation of technical reports related to Economical Evaluation of Intangible Assets, such as Trademarks, Patent, Copyright... continuation

International Dept

As a signatory country of the Paris Union Convention (CUP), Brazil is committed to avoid registration or use of any trademark that constitutes an imitation... continuation