We may provide the necessary guidance to guarantee legal protection of a Copyright, in the terms of Law 9610/1998, in relation to art elements and images, illustrations, photographs, texts, audiovisual material, dramatic or scientific works.
Independent persons or companies can apply for copyright, observing that when the applicant is a company it will be necessary for the author to assigns all rights to the company that is applying for its registration.
All those creations of the spirit whose authorship can be protected in order to guarantee moral and patrimonial rights to the owner are considered as an intellectual work. According to its nature, a copyright shall be registered in the competent organization, namely, National Library, Music School, Fine Arts School and others. Also logotypes (trademarks with logos) can be registered, apart from INPI, with the Fine Arts School for a more comprehensive protection.
A Copyright has a legal term of validity throughout the author´s entire life, plus 70 (seventy) years to the legal successors, as of the date of the author's demise.